LOGIQ P9 (Хэвлий, дотрын ЭХО)
Хамгийн хүчирхэг бөгөөд орчин үеийн шаардлагад нийцүүлэн зохион бүтээсэн төгс төхөөрөмж.
Хиймэл оюун ухаанд суурилсан хүчирхэг программ ханганж /Эмнэл зүйн бодит үр дүн, бүтээмжийг нэмэгдүүлэх, оношлогоог зөв, найдвартай
хийхэд тусламж үзүүлэх, ажлын үйл явцыг хурдасгах/
Хурд болон бүтээмжийг үлэмж нэмэгдүүлэх програм хангамж /CTO, Auto IMT, AutoEF, Measure Assistant, Compare Assistant, Scan Assistant/
Хамгаалалтын SonoDefense /кибер аюулгүй байдал болон өвчтөний мэдээллийн нууцлалыг хамгаалах олон давхар хамгаалалтын систем/
Бат бөх дижитал платформ /Гуравдагч талын программ хангамжууд, хамтын ажиллагааны хэрэгслүүд болон гүйцэтгэлийн үнэлгээг идэвхжүүлдэг/
Additional information
Зориулалт | Ultrasound (ЭХО) |
Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.
7015 8006
Бүтээгдэхүүний зураг
Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл
Simplicity Delivered
The LOGIQ™ P9 ultrasound system is well suited for the clinical and workflow demands of general imaging. From triage to comprehensive exams, the budget-friendly LOGIQ P9 delivers consistent image quality, comprehensive application coverage, advanced features and ease of use that enable timely, confident decisions.
Your trusted companion
My Page
Personalized digital user interface enables customization of workflow preferences with user presets. Simply log in, select the appropriate exam type, and begin scanning.
Photo Assistant
A picture is worth a 1000 words
- Photograph relevant anatomy and include photos with the clinical images
- Provides value context for documentation and comparison after a procedure
- Utilizes Android™ tablet or phone
Ergonomic and Adaptable
Adjust system to fit most user needs and exams
- Touch control for easy parameter adjustment
- Multiple USB ports
- Adjustable monitor
- Front and rear handles
- Four active probe ports
- Gel warmer
- Storage shelf
- Easy to transport
Remote Control
Remotely operate the ultrasound system from tablet or phone that that has LOGIQ Smart App loaded and includes:
– Major modes
– Freeze/print
– Depth
– Gain
– ROI placement
– Dual Image
Solutions that enable improved focus on patients and help enhance your confidence and care delivery over a wide range of patient exams.
2D Shear Wave Elastography
Quantitative estimate of tissue elasticity displayed in color-coded elastograms.
- Assists in a growing range of applications, including chronic liver disease, breast
- Semi-automatic measurements provide quick, quantifiable information
Raw Data Processing
Original Acoustic Data are stored before scan converting in a GE Healthcare “raw” format to be easily accessed and re-processed any time after the exam completion.
Contrast Imaging
Amplitude Modulation Technique
- Great penetration and contrast sensitivity
- Excellent tissue suppression
- High image uniformity
Hi-Res Technique
- Superb spatial and temporal resolution
B-Flow™ / B-Flow Color
- Does not use Doppler processing
- Direct visualization of blood reflectors
- Dynamic appearance of flow
- Minimal tissue overwrite compared to Color Flow
- Excellent control of flash artifacts compared to Color Flow
HD Color
Functionality within B-Flow™ Color – offers sensitivity in visualizing small vessels and slow flow to enhance diagnostic confidence.
- Venous, liver, and renal imaging
- Musculoskeletal imaging
- Pediatric imaging
- Small parts imaging