VIVID IQ (Зүрх судасны ЭХО)
GE Healthcare-ийн зүрх судасны дүрс оношилгооны шинэ дэвшилтэт хувилбар болох Vivid IQ төхөөрөмж нь оношилгооны найдвартай байдал, зургийн чанарын дээд түвшнийг санал болгодгоороо онцлогтой юм.
- Хамгийн дэвшилтэт зөөврийн зүрх судасны хэт авиан систем
- Өндөр нарийвчлал ба дахин давтагдах чадвар
- Оношилгооны хугацаа богино
- Таны хэрэгцээнд нийцүүлэн тохируулах боломж
- Хиймэл оюун ухаанд суурилсан
- Орчин үеийн, төгс эргономикийн ухаалаг загвар
- Олон датчикийн оролт
- Бат бөх дизайн
Additional information
Зориулалт | Ultrasound (ЭХО) |
Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.
7015 8006
Бүтээгдэхүүний зураг
Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл
Vivid iq Ultra Edition
At a glance
Precision and reproducibility
Use the advanced quantitative tools of Vivid iq Ultra Edition* to obtain accurate and reproducible ultrasound images of your patients’ cardiac function and valve anatomy in 2D and 4D via TEE.
Shorter examination times
Artificial intelligence algorithms reduce manual steps and help you improve the efficiency of your workflow through automated processes. For less clicks, high accuracy and optimal reproducibility.
DICOM® connection
Simplify your workflow: Vivid iq allows you to process and analyze all clinical images using industry-standard DICOM® data and include them in your reporting system.
Customizable to your needs
Vivid iq is available in a variety of configurations: From a routine system to the high-end version for 4D-TEE imaging.
Maximize your clinical confidence
The Vivid iq combines advanced imaging capabilities with maxmimum flexibility. The laptop-sized ultrasound system is equipped with a wide range of advanced quantification tools for your cardiovascular exams. In conjunction with GE HealthCare’s Matrix XDclear™ probes, you can achieve accurate measurements efficiently. Connected to the optional cart, the system offers all the ergonomic advantages of a classic console unit.
Mobile echocardiography
The Vivid iq is always there when you need it. With its compact laptop format and a battery capacity of up to one hour, the system offers you maximum flexibility. The optionally available trolley not only extends the battery capacity to up to four hours, but also provides ports for three additional probes.