REVOLUTION MAXIMA (Компьютер томографи аппарат 128 зүслэгт)
Компьютер томографи аппарат 128 зүслэгт
Revolution Maxima загварын Компьютер томографи аппарат нь дэвшилтэт технологи бүхий дүрслэлийн чадвараар зах зээлд
тэргүүлэгч бөгөөд хүний анатомийн бүтцийг хурдан болон өндөр нарийвчлалтайгаар танд хүргэх болно. Хүний биеийн цээж, хэвлий,
тархи, судас зэргийг тод ялгаралтайгаар харуулж таны шийдвэр гаргалтад туслах онцлогтой.
Тус төхөөрөмж нь хиймэл оюун ухаан ашиглан зураг авах процесс болон оношилгооны процессыг илүү хялбар болон найдвартай
байлгаж, зургийг 22% хүртэл хувиар тодосгох чадвартай юм.
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Зориулалт | Компьютер томографи |
Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.
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![GEHC Revolution Maxima Product Web Page Pre Scan Image 2](https://interscience.mn/wp-content/uploads/2024/09/GEHC-Revolution-Maxima-Product-Web-Page-Pre-Scan-Image-2.jpg)
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Revolution™ Maxima
One great image after another
For high-throughput environments every step in the process matters. You need to consider how quickly a scan can be set up, how easily your applications can be applied and how effectively you can produce a report from the images. All of this goes into the great imaging performance you can expect with Revolution Maxima.
Right place, less time
When a patient is mispositioned, it may lead to up to a 38 percent increase in dose1 and up to a 22 percent increase in image noise2 . Positioning challenges are difficult to resolve because they can stem from a combination of variables, including the inherent inconsistency of a manual workflow, patient discomfort and technologist experience.
Our innovative AI-based Auto Positioning completely automates this step. The Xtream camera uses real-time depth sensing technology to generate a 3D model of your patient’s body. Revolution Maxima then pinpoints the 3D center of the scan range and automatically aligns it with the isocenter of the bore. With one click, Auto Positioning uses all of this information to automatically center your patient for a completely hands-free positioning experience.
Auto Positioning streamlines your patient setup and, most important of all, frees up your technologists so they can focus on making your patients feel more comfortable.
One-click, hands-free automation
It comes with everything you need
We wanted to provide you with one CT that comes preloaded with all of the capabilities essential to getting the right information at the right image quality across a diverse range of clinical needs. Built around our Clarity imaging chain, Revolution Maxima provides 0.28 mm3 spatial resolution and makes 40 mm imaging routine.
Our leading dose reduction software, ASiR-V™, is also available. This advanced noise and object modeling reconstruction software allows you to consistently image with up to 82 percent4 less dose compared to filtered back projection image reconstruction. Together, these core technologies provide you with everything you need to get the right diagnosis, the first time, at the lowest dose possible.
Findings you can clearly dictate
Your CT experience doesn’t end with the generation of a high-quality image. You also need intelligent applications that continue to support you once those images reach the reading room. We’ve developed a collection of smart applications for cardiac, stroke, oncology and metal artifacts that do just that.
Smart MAR, single acquisition metal artifact reduction.
Smart Cardiac, set up complex cardiac procedures quickly, reliably and repeatedly. Smart Stroke, perform stroke assessment scans with perfusion shuttle technology and assess patient status quickly and accurately.
A CT that continuously works behind the scenes
A CT that can do it all
As a high-performing imaging department, you don’t need a range of CT options to pick and choose which capabilities you need. From scan setup, to image acquisition, to the final report, there is a lot that goes into high performance CT imaging. What you need is a system that can do it all.
Revolution Maxima provides innovative solutions for your entire CT experience from referral to report, including an incredible new way to automate patient positioning. Beyond that, it’s a scalable, upgradable system that leaves the door open to grow with your practice.