VERSANA ACTIVE (Хэвлий, дотрын ЭХО)
Дэвшилтэд, чадварлаг, олон төрлийн нөхцөлд дасан зохицох чадвартай Versana Active нь хөнгөн жинтэй бөгөөд та өөрийн системийг суурин эсвэл хол зайнд хялбараар зөөвөрлөн өвчтөндөө хүргэх боломжийг олгодог.
- Авсаархан системд дүрс оношилгооны онцгой чадвар
- Хэвлий, жижиг хэсгүүд, зүрх судасны, эх барих
- Өргөн хүрээний өдөр тутмын оношилогоонд дасан зохицож, эмнэлэг, эмчийн оффис болон алс холд авч явахад хялбар, хөнгөхөн
- AutoEF функцтэй бөгөөд шийдвэр гаргахад туслах нэмэлт хэрэгсэл юм
- Scan assistant интерфейс нь хэрэгцээт протоколуудыг багтааж, эмч нарын товчлуур даралтыг багасгадаг
- Whiz нь шууд дүрслэл, суурь шилжилт, урвуу хурдны хуваарийг тохируулах замаар спектрийн өгөгдлийг оновчтой болгодог
Additional information
Зориулалт | Ultrasound (ЭХО) |
Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.
7015 8006
Бүтээгдэхүүний зураг
Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл
An adaptable system for comprehensive scanning and best-in-class image quality
Versana Active delivers the imaging capability of a console in a hand-carried, lightweight package that enables you to actively take your system to your patients, on premises, or remote facilities. The reliable system brings the agility of a laptop unit with the capability for attaching to a cart. Adaptable to cover a broad range of everyday exams, it is easy to carry to clinics, offices, and beyond.
Advanced. Capable. Adaptable.
Versana Active provides imaging you can rely on to boost diagnostic confidence and support your practice over time.
World-class imaging that’s backed by a global leader in healthcare
With Versana Active, you’re benefiting from decades of heritage and ultrasound expertise from GE HealthCare, a globally-respected technology innovator and partner. Designed with you, your practice, and your patients in mind, Versana Active delivers world-class imaging power and clarity to boost diagnostic confidence. And it’s all backed with robust GE HealthCare service and support coverage to ensure a long life, high uptime, and efficient patient throughput.
A complete solution
Versana Active features a wide range of advanced clinical applications and automated tools that simplify exams, streamline workflow, and enable fast, high-volume scanning to help you diagnose a wide spectrum of patient conditions.
A system for today and tomorrow
Versana Active is designed to scale to suit your practice needs today and in the future. Build your diagnostic confidence—and your patients’ comfort and confidence in you—with a range of transducers and advanced applications. Additionally, Versana Active offers a team of experts to support during and after purchase, in-depth product instruction, plus remote or on-site technical, clinical and network support. It is a system that grows alongside you and your practice.