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VIVID E80 (Зүрх судасны ЭХО)

GE Healthcare компаний зүрх судасны дүрс оношилгооны анхдагч түүхэнд тулгуурлан бүтээсэн Vivid Ultra Edition шинэ хувилбар нь оношилгооны найдвартай байдал, зургийн чанарыг дээд түвшинд хүргэж байна.

  • Дээд зэрэглэлийн 2D зүрх судасны хэт авиан аппарат
  • Зүрх, судас, хэвлийн, эх барих/эмэгтэйчүүд болон жижиг хэсгүүдийн хэрэглээг багтаасан өргөн хүрээний дүрс бичлэг, заавар
  • Хамгийн тохиромжтой оношилгоог хийхэд зориулсан автоматжуулсан ажлын урсгал
  • Хурд, бүтээмж, хэмжилт бүрийн давтах чадвартай хиймэл оюун ухааны хэрэгслүүд
  • Хэрэглэгчийн тав тухыг хангах эргономик дизайн

Additional information


Ultrasound (ЭХО)

Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.

7015 8006

Бүтээгдэхүүний зураг
Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл

Image quality

Superb image quality overdriven by the launch of cSound ADAPT


Extreme productivity

Our latest AI-based technologies can help improve workflow efficiency


Clinical versatility

Our most premium offering to serve all your echoLab, interventional, and pediatric needs


Modern ergonomics

A familiar, modern, and efficient design with excellent operator interface

Your patients rely on you. You can rely on us. You can rely on Vivid Ultra Edition.

The Vivid E series ultrasound systems have been updated to meet today’s challenges. To allow further improved image quality in both 2D and 4D, as well as reduce tedious tasks and inter-operator variability from the simple to the most complex cases.

Achieve clinical excellence

The Vivid E series has been updated to meet today’s challenges. To allow further improved image quality in both 2D and 4D as well as reduce tedious tasks and inter-operator variability, from the simple to the most complex cases.

Improving your comfort, every day

Sonographers and echo imagers perform many exams on a daily basis, and in cases with difficult to visualize anatomies, measurement precision can be affected. With the growing need for follow-up exams, accuracy and repeatability can help reduce incorrect diagnosis and treatments.

To help improve reading comfort, our High-Definition Ultrasound (HDU) display provides a whole new level of visualization, with a larger 23.8” image display and excellent image quality. Magnified images help echo imagers work more comfortably every day and see small details more easily, aiding in interpretation with multi-image layouts, like multi-plane and 3D.

Seamless integration with post-processing and review workflows through open 4D multivendor

EchoPAC Software Only and EchoPAC Plug-in allow users to analyze and review data from any Vivid ultrasound system, as well as DICOM images from other ultrasound systems. DICOM SR Measurement Transfer, including standard and custom measurement allows seamless integration with GE Healthcare and other industry reporting systems and EMRs.

Maximize the Vivid lifecycle experience while minimizing your total cost of ownership

Purchasing a GE Healthcare ultrasound is not only getting access to a high-technology or remarkable clinical applications. It’s about enjoying a new user experience, at every step of ownership. We help you to outperform today, while preparing your department for tomorrow’s challenges.