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VOLUSON E10 (Эх барих, эмэгтэйчүүдийн ЭХО)

Мэргэжилтнүүдийн цуврал бүтээгдэхүүн болох Voluson E10 нь эх барих, эмэгтэйчүүдийн болон перинатологийн дэвшилтэт технологийг шингээсэн, үнэмлэхүй нарийн төвөгтэй шинжилгээнд ашиглахад зориулагдсан төхөөрөмж юм. Хамгийн хүнд хэцүү сорилтуудыг даван туулахаар зохион бүтээгдсэн дэлхийн номер нэг хүчирхэг төхөөрөмж.

  • Эх барих, эмэгтэйчүүдийн эксперт түвшний эхо аппарат
  • Ургийн зүрхний цогц хэрэгсэл
  • Ургийн first trimester дэлгэрэнгүй дүрслэл
  • Тусгай датчикийн технологи
  • Нарийвчилсан өнгөт дүрслэлийн боломжууд
  • Илүү дэлгэрэнгүй. Илүү тодорхой. Ашиглахад туйлын хялбар

Additional information


Ultrasound (ЭХО)

Захиалгаар нийлүүлэх барааны хувьд нийлүүлэх хугацаа болон үнийн дүнд өөрчлөлт орж болох тул менежертэй заавал холбогдож захиална уу.

7015 8006

Бүтээгдэхүүний зураг
Бүтээгдэхүүний мэдээлэл

Your women’s health practice is where complex cases are the rule, not the exception. Where patients demand your expertise, and trust you for answers. With the Voluson™ E10 you can deliver truly exceptional care—confidently and efficiently—every time—keeping you at the forefront of women’s health care. The Voluson E10 encompasses the most advanced imaging capabilities combined with efficiency and security features to help you provide confident patient answers, faster.

Voluson Technology

Radiantflow of Voluson technology


Achieve a new standard of color Doppler with Radiantflow™—delivering easy, fast visualization of even the tiniest of vessels.

SlowflowHD of Voluson technology


Expand the range of visible blood flow to include low velocities with SlowflowHD to visualize blood perfusion.

HDlive technologies of Voluson

HDlive Technologies

The suite of HDlive™ technologies is an essential problem solving tool for a deeper understanding of relational anatomy and developing structures.

fetal HQ of Voluson technology


Conduct an easy and comprehensive evaluation of the size, shape, and contractility of the fetal heart from the 4-chamber view using measurements based on 2D imaging and speckle tracking. fetalHQ contains an in-depth report page including Z-scores and percentiles for each of the cardiac measurements.

Voluson Probe Technology

Extraordinary image quality begins with advanced probe technology. Based on feedback from physicians and sonographers, Voluson probes have evolved to help meet your ergonomic needs and include innovations and advanced technology for women’s healthcare applications.

eM6C – Electronic Matrix Probe

eM6C – Electronic Matrix Probe

Achieve brilliant resolution and volume rates up to 29x higher than those with mechanical probe technology with a curved matrix electronic 4D probe. The eM6C, delivers ultra-fast volume rates, flexible imaging formats, and excellent resolution in routine exams to complex fetal echocardiography.

RM7C Volume Matrix Probe

RM7C Volume Matrix Probe

The RM7C volume probe sets new standards in performance and image quality. XDclear'” technology provides exceptional 2D, 3D and 4D resolution and brilliant color sensitivity.

RAB6 Volume Probe

RAB6 Volume Probe

An ultra-light volume probe that is 40% lighter* with ergonomic grip and a thin lightweight cable allowing for easy acquisition of images.

RIC6-12 High Frequency Transvaginal Probe

RIC6-12 High Frequency Transvaginal Probe

Providing you the ability to confidently explore fetal images in the earliest stages – the RIC6-12-D probe helps you detect the finest details in the first trimester.